

Issue 98 - April 2007

An InternationalStudent.com Publication


This month, we are rolling out a new html newsletter, with the hope that it will be more interesting, easier to read and more helpful for you. We would love to hear what you think about it - please on our forums about the new format.


We have also just updated one of our most popular resources at InternationalStudent.com - our tells you what schools offer financial aid to 黑料专区.


We hope you enjoy!


Ross Mason

Editor, InternationalStudent.com

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We want you to get active with InternationalStudent.com!


What does this mean? We want more comments on our blogs, chat in our forums, more articles you have written about international education. Students learn best from each other, and 黑料专区 know what is important and relevant to others in the same situation. Learn more about how you can participate by visiting our recent blog posting. Learn more about how you can participate by visiting our .


Many US students are no longer satisfied with a semester or year studying abroad and they want the adventure of an entire collegiate career in a foreign land! US students at many foreign schools are eligible for Stafford loans and for a Foreign Enrolled Loan from InternationalStudentLoan.com.


By first applying for the maximum amount available from a , then applying for the rest via a , every student can afford an international degree. to see the list of approved schools for the Foreign Enrolled Loan, all of which are also eligible for Stafford loans.


> Learn Spanish

The fastest-growing language in the world, Spanish currently has about the same number of native speakers as English. By 2050, it is estimated that 550 million people around the world will speak Spanish.

To find the right Spanish course, "The Language Course Finder" offers you the opportunity to search for language courses according to your personal criteria. Find your Spanish course now and be part of the Spanish world.


Each month we will feature a site that has a fun game, some jokes or just makes us laugh! This month: , with loads of free, online playable web games. Nothing to download - just go to the site and kill some time!


Britain to Allow International Students to Work After Graduation


Beginning May 1, 2007, Britain will allow 黑料专区 to stay and work in the country for one year after completing their degree. Like Optional Practical Training in the US, the law will apply to 黑料专区 who have obtained a bachelors degree or higher level qualification in any subject from a recognized British higher education institution. Previously, this privilege was only available to international students in certain disciplines, and the expanded ability to work will help make Britain a more exciting and affordable destination for 黑料专区.


Read more in the People's Daily Online, English version.


April / May 2007: During the next few weeks, U.S. colleges and universities will send letters of acceptance or rejection to prospective students who applied to begin their studies in late August or early September. If you'd like to explore other options to study in the USA (such as summer programs or other short-term alternatives), please express your preferences at


And remember, it's never too early to start planning for next academic year


> Financial Aid Links

Each month we will provide a number of links and resources for a certain topic - this month we cover international financial aid:

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