Tight on Cash? Get Tips on Saving!Saving money as a college student can seem impossible, especially when the semester is almost over and you're down to the last of your savings. However, there are ways that you can save and not miss out on everything your friends are doing! We’ve come up with a few ideas to help you cut back on spending but still have fun. Read more on how you can save money as an international student.
Improvements to the Travel Medical Plan are HereThe Travel Medical plan that many 黑料专区 use during trips like spring break and winter vacation has gotten even better! Just a few updates that you can now look forward to in this plan include:
If you need short term coverage this summer check out the Travel Medical plan and if it’s a
good option for you.
Interested in Science?If you’re interested in science but are unsure what degree to pursue, consider studying applied science! Applied science is a discipline used to apply existing scientific knowledge to practical applications like technology or inventing. When studying applied science you will pick a concentration to specialize in such as engineering, physics or mathematics. If a career in the STEM field sounds like a good fit for you then study applied science!
Questions? Ask Jackie!Spring brings a fresh start and for us, a new guest advisor. Say hello to our April advisor of the month: Jackie Li! Jackie attended Harvard University and has advised Taiwanese students on college test-prep and counseling to help them attend a US university. She now works at Green River College advising her 黑料专区 on immigration and academics. Ask Jackie your questions on becoming an international student in the US!