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Issue 159 - April 2012

An InternationalStudent.com Publication

Welcome to the 159th issue of the International Student News!


At the end of May, our team will be heading to Houston for the NAFSA Annual Conference. As one of the largest events of its kind, NAFSA sees educators from all around the world come together for a week of events. If you are planning to attend, please let us know as we would love to meet up with you!


Ross Mason

Editor, InternationalStudent.com


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From May 27th to June 1st this year the NAFSA Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas. The NAFSA conference is the primary international education conference in North America, and there will be schools and organizations from all around the world in attendance.


This year, our parent company (booth #402) and our sister site (booth #536) will be in attendance. If you are an international educator and planning to attend please stop by and visit us or contact us for an appointment to learn more about what we do!


We look forward to seeing you all there!


Are you interested in studying in the US? If so, check out the College Week Live Regional Day events. College Week Live has broken up the US by region for this great online event that allows international students to connect with schools in each region virtually through their online platform. Choose the region or regions you are interested in studying in and then pick the events to attend.

Events dates are:

New York Colleges Day: 8th May 2012
Texas Colleges Day: 9th May 2012
California Colleges Day: 10th May 2012
New England Colleges Day: 15th May 2012
North Carolina Colleges Day: 17th May 2012
Pennsylvania Colleges Day: 24th May 2012

for the events you are interested in!


As an international student, your visa and making sure you are current with immigration rules is going to be one of the most important aspects of your time abroad. Can you work? Are you allowed to leave the country for 3 months to visit friends and family? What do I need to keep in mind to stay in compliance with my visa rules?


If you are looking for help and advice, our is a great starting point - providing helpful advice on the different visa categories for the USA. Along with what you need to do in order to apply for the visa! Check it out and if you have any questions, ask our forum or on our Facebook page!


International Student Recruitment Agent Code of Ethics


Over the past few years, there have been many high-profile stories of abuse by international education recruiting agents around the world. At the same time, there has been an ongoing debate in the United States about what, if any, is the appropriate place for agents in the international education landscape. Agents have featured prominently in recruiting to Australian and UK universities for years, but are only just beginning to tap the US market.



This month we have a post in our Study in the UK section of our , from a member asking about financial aid options for Pakistani students:

"Hi, I am Pakistani, & belongs to a tribe. I have done my MSc in Mathematics and now I want to do MSc in Finance related subjects like Investment & risk Finance. Last year I got admission in UK universities but failed to got scholarship. I belongs to poor area and I can't pay fee by myself. I want complete scholarship but I don't know how to get it? This year in many top universities I ve got admission but again I ve no scholarship. My own country gives scholarship in limited fields. Please can any one inform me to how to get scholarship and from where?"

If you would like to add a response, or help this international student, please and post a response to help them out!


Are you the type of person that loves cool gadgets and "stuff"? Thisiswhyimbroke.com is the site for you! It is packed full of the things that you want, but do not really need. Items include a $130,000 water jetpack - which is one of the more expensive items in the store - to batman brake light covers that only cost $6.


Take a look, but don't waste all of your money! :)



It’s May, and that means that many of you have received your acceptance letters from colleges and universities. Once you've narrowed it down to the school of your choice, it's time to start thinking about your student visa and financial aid.

Many students ask us, when is a good time to apply for a loan?

If you are going to be an international student in the US, you are not eligible for US Federal Stafford loans. Instead, many students choose to apply for private student loans. The best time to apply for a loan is once you've received your acceptance letter from the school you plan to attend. If you are currently enrolled at a college or university, you can apply for a loan at any time. To get started, to compare lenders available at your college or university.


We hope you enjoyed this month's newsletter, and best of luck to you as you pursue or help others pursue an international education! As always please with any questions or comments you have about the newsletter - we'd love to hear from you!

1101 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036 - USA


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