How to Find an International Scholarship
May 23, 2014, 9:41:14 AM by Bryanna Davis
Scholarships are great- when you actually find one! We will talk about why you need scholarships, where to find scholarships and what to do after you find one you want to apply for.

Thank you for attending our Kickin’ it Oldschool Classroom Series. I’m Bryanna Davis at and today we’re going to look at how you can find an international scholarship.
Right away I’m going to fill you in on the two secret ingredients that will help you win a scholarship- you must be determined and detail oriented. You will need to spend a good chunk of time searching for a scholarship so it’s important that you do not give up, this is where the determination comes in. Being detail oriented is important because there will be many requirements that you must adhere to like the eligibility to apply, the deadline, and the required documents you need to submit. Also, it’s important to submit the scholarship application or essay free of errors- so paying attention to small details can really make it or break it for you.
So- make sure you have determination and a detail oriented mind during the entire scholarship search and application process.
Before you even start looking for scholarships- you are going to want to create a document to keep you organized. It might sound like a hassle now, but it could be the difference in you winning a scholarship and not winning a scholarship. If you have excel, then I suggest using an excel sheet or a google drive spreadsheet and create the following categories: scholarship link, eligibility, required documents, deadline, pending documents, award amount. Then, as you find awards that you want to apply for you will have one central document that you can reference and keep tabs on where you are in the application process.
After you have the spreadsheet created, it’s time to start the hunt! You will want to ensure that you visit sites that have scholarships only for şÚÁĎרÇř- this will help cut down on the amount of time you spend searching for a scholarship only to throw it out because şÚÁĎרÇř aren’t eligible to apply. is a great place to start. We have new scholarships that are added each day and the best part is it’s free to sign up and search!
So, once you find a scholarship that you think looks great, put the information into your spreadsheet. This will not only keep you organized, but it will help you sift through the ones you aren’t actually eligible for and that you’ve missed the deadline on since your sheet will require you to enter the eligibility details and the deadline.
After it’s in your sheet and you’re 100% sure you’re eligible, it’s time to dive right in and gather the necessary documentation you need to apply. It’s important to get all of the documents you need- if one item is missing this may be grounds to disqualify you for the scholarship.
After you’ve gathered all of the necessary documentation you need to submit, you will want to have someone edit your work. Whether you’ve written an essay that’s a few pages long or a statement that’s a few paragraphs long- have someone edit it for any errors.
Once it’s been tweeked and fine-tuned, turn it in on time.
So, go create your spreadsheet, then you can start your search for international scholarships at
Class dismissed.